Are Wristwatches Relevant in 2022? - STUNIII

Are Wristwatches Relevant in 2022?

The rate of technological advancements is staggering. A few years ago, there was no modeling concept beyond the fashion industry, but now Instagram models are getting equal or sometimes more pay than fashion industry superstars. Just like that, many things have changed since we knew them, but some gadgets have remained constant despite the radical technological shift. Among these forever constants are our beloved timepieces.

Yes! Wristwatches might have upped their game in terms of tech and connectivity, but conventional brands haven't moved an inch from their designs. This makes wristwatch enthusiasts wonder, how long can this continue? Will the same watch design trends last in the new and fresh 2022? To answer this question, we have to dig deeper into the world of enchanting and increasingly expensive world of wristwatches.

The Beginning of Time or Timepieces To Be Specific

A century ago, wristwatches were considered female accessories. But wristwatches didn't start as a fashion accessory. They were once used by soldiers to tell time during the war. When these time-telling bracelets gained popularity on the battlefield, the fashion industry took to arms and commercialized wristwatches. From here, a fashion trend mocked by the world was born.

Italians didn't prefer wearing bracelets, and wristwatches were considered the same. Therefore, the early adopters of wristwatches were women! From there, men took the much-appreciated initiative and started wearing wristwatches in the fashion industry. When the delicate bracelet design shifted to rough and rugged manly wearable, wristwatches became commercialized and widely accepted.

Today, wristwatches have dominated the male fashion industry. After all, men don't have a lot of options. But that's not all. These gorgeous timepieces keep us on track, scheduled, and updated. Plus, we can easily take them off and wear them when we like. This convenience wrapped around the wrist took the fashion industry by a storm, and so was born the 21st-century timepieces.

Wristwatches in The Tech-Era

Okay, so it's fair to say that smartwatches have impacted the consumer market. They are slick, techie, smooth, water-proof, and connected. While most of the prior mentioned features might seem appealing, "connected" isn't something most consumers appreciate.

After all, who wants to wear their smartphone on their wrist, right? Some would agree, and some won't. It depends on your schedule. If you are a busy person, you might appreciate disconnecting from your professional responsibilities.

While technology was slowly picking up pace and Apple introduced iPods, we were excited to listen to music through a tiny device connected with earphones. But even then, our wrists were wrapped with conventional timepieces. After the introduction of smartwatches, most consumers quickly jumped ships and became early adopters of wearable smartphones. But that didn't change the "baby boomer" generation because their timepiece holds emotional and financial value. But how can a wristwatch have economic value? Good question!

What Wristwatches Mean Today

Timepieces are expensive, and there is no doubt about it. You can a wristwatch starting from $400 all the way up to $50,000. So why do people buy these expensive watches? To answer that, we have to understand the consumer mentality.

Wristwatches are more than just fashion accessories. These gorgeous timepieces became a clever investment plan when the world moved from the 20th century to the 21st. As wristwatches became old, they didn't die out. Instead, they became "vintage." Therefore, the older the watch, the more expensive it became, and collectors couldn't get their hands off them.

As a result, wristwatches became an "investment." Many consumers knowingly or unknowingly bought precious timepieces that would wrap up their mortgage if sold to the right buyer. Therefore, the current mindset that challenges smartwatches is fueled by the collector's passion for buying the rarest timepiece. So the next time you see someone buying a conventional Rolex over an apple watch, know that it's backed by a strategic long-term investment plan.

What About Today's Mindset?

As the watch industry gained momentum, innovation took root, and watch manufacturers started experimenting with different watch materials. Since both buyers and manufacturers knew they were making and buying future investment tools, the market was in an unwritten agreement. On the other hand, watch manufacturers wanted to prolong the life of their products and create a watch that won't age or at least age gracefully.

From that mindset, stainless steel wood watches were born. These are conventionally designed timepieces that age thanks to wood gracefully. Plus, the addition of stainless steel adds to their durability. Now we aren't sure whether these timepieces would become invaluable in the next decade, but who knows? It's the sheer sense of wearing something earthly on your wrist that disconnects you from modernism by bringing you close to nature is why most people buy these watches.

Google trends Report Watches Vs. Smartwatches Google trend for wristwatches

The Future of Conventional Watches

A few smartwatch aficionados have predicted the downfall of traditional watches against smartwatches, But their speculation is driven by a handful of participants. The explanation of how conventional watches will survive despite apparent defeat is the same as how these watches survived the smartphone era – people like the way they look. The future of conventional watches isn't going anywhere. Plus, when innovations like stainless steel wood and platinum wood are entering the market, the chances of the smartwatch revolution looks short-lived. Plus, there is this investment factor that comes to mind which you can't find with a smartwatch.

Finally, smartwatches are delicate timepieces courtesy of tiny computer chips in them. These delicate parts are prone to damage and high repair costs. On the contrary, stainless steel wood and conventional watches can withstand the challenges of time.

Final Verdict

If you think the era of conventional watches might be coming to an end this year, then you need to stop and reconsider. The fact that the watch industry is still making millions of dollars is enough to justify its survival. Plus, smartwatches have yet to break the barriers set by durable and timeless designs of conventional watches like the ones made by Stuniii.

Stuniii is one of the leading makers of stainless steel wood watches. We use premium quality material in designing our products. If you are interested in buying a unique watch that leaves a lasting impression, browse our collection of some of the finest stainless steel wood watches online. 



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