Do Millennials Wear Wristwatches? - STUNIII

Do Millennials Wear Wristwatches?

Whether we like it or not, we are a part of a demographic. Marketers segment their potential customers into demographics like parents, Millenials, etc. Out of several demographic segmentation, Millenials are the center of attention because they will run our system in the coming years.

For that reason, many brands are directing their marketing strategies to target this ephemeral generation, and the wristwatch industry is no exception. However, before we go digital and launch our advertisements, you should learn whether Millennials, the upcoming target market, is interested in your product. Hence, we will answer the most asked question of all, "do Millennials wear wristwatches?"

Who Are Millennials?

Millennials are a generation born between 1981 and 1996. There's a myth that Millennials don't buy old-fashioned products. In reality, Millennials have eclectic tastes, and some of them seek out old items and styles. According to research, 52% of Millennials own an analog watch, while 18% have more than one wristwatch. Some people still claim that wristwatches are going obsolete with the entry of smartwatches, but that's not true either. Numbers prove that Millennials are into traditional wristwatches, but they need innovation in this design.

Stainless Steel Wood Watches for Millennials

Stuniii is a leading maker of stainless steel wood watches designed to target the younger generation. These watches are gorgeous, featuring a fusion of wood and stainless steel that combines the best of both worlds. Moreover, stainless steel wood watches answer their customer's needs for an environment-friendly wearable masterpiece. In addition, stainless steel wood watches are sustainable – meaning their makers plant more trees than they cut down.

Millennials don't hate old-fashioned items. They are looking for innovation that speaks to them. Like it or not, this generation is different from our fundamental beliefs because they care about the planet. Hence, Millennials refuse to wear products that harm their planet. As a result, stainless steel wood watches are an excellent choice for the generation that cares about its home planet.

Why Do Millennials Like Wristwatches?

This question is the same as why we built cars when we had horses for traveling? – for luxury, of course! Wristwatches have evolved from being mere time-telling devices strapped on your wrist. Now, these stunning timepieces resemble luxury and status symbols. If you find someone wearing a diamond-studded watch, you'd automatically assume that person is rich. Brands like Rolex and Tag Heuer have changed the market perception, which helped them survive the smartwatch era.

Moreover, smartwatches are like wearing your cell phone on your wrist. Sure they have nifty features our tech-oriented Millennials love, but they don't seem luxurious. Ask yourself, would you wear a golden Apple watch or a Rolex? The answer is the latter, of course. Not because the apple watch isn't worth wearing, but because it has short battery life.

Watches For Millennials

Now that we know Millennials live wristwatches and they prefer the innovation, you can probably think of a few watches on the top of your mind for your son/daughter. You can either spend thousands of dollars on a watch with the same material and design as affordable brands or buy something unique that has long battery life.

Solar X1 Blue Black Sandalwood

The solar X1 is a gorgeous timepiece that comes in nightshade colors. The midnight blue sits perfectly on the black sandalwood resembling the night sky and putting its dial in the picture. The Sola X1 runs on the sun's energy and couldn't be more environment-friendly than it is.

Moreover, it comes in a drop-dead black wooden box that enhances the aesthetic appeal of your room if placed on the side table. The weight of this watch isn't much, and it can comfortably wrap on your wrist.

The Solar X1 comes with pins that can help you adjust its size to your wrist, plus the interior of the box is cushioned, making it travel-friendly. It's a masterpiece with exceptional craftsmanship and a battery that never runs out under the sun.

Solar X1 Rose Gold Walnut

Made from the finest quality walnut wood, a material also used in furniture, this watch is stronger than most brands. It comes in a rose-gold color, making it gender-neutral. The X1 rose gold runs on solar cells, meaning you won't have to change its battery for quite some time. In addition to its everlasting battery, it has a timeless design that speaks for itself.

The walnut wood is scratch-resistant, making it perfect for those who keep their watch with their keys. Moreover, walnut wood has a distinct aroma and several psychological properties. You'll feel more connected to nature.

This watch replicates the conventional design Millennials love and adds a twist with its innovating color-changing capabilities. Yes! The rose gold walnut wood stainless steel wood watches will turn to a darker shade with time making them more beautiful than it already is.

Cluse Women La Roche

Cluse is a brand that focuses on women when it comes to its marketing strategy. Its products are designed to cater to women's tastes, and the watch comes in a lightweight material. But don't assume Cluse watches are delicate because they are light – these are two different things. Cluse La Roche has a white dial emphasizing its golden sides and silver strap. Perfect for any occasion and fits every dress. The Cluse La Roche is a timeless classic with overwhelming beauty and out-of-this-world looks.

Final Verdict

Millennials love wristwatches, but as mentioned above, they value innovation. Stuniii is a premium stainless steel wood watch brand that knows how to keep its customers happy. You get free worldwide shipping when you order from Stuniii and a huge selection of stainless steel wood watches. But that's not all. Stuniii is in the process of making platinum wood watches that'll revolutionize the watch industry. So stay tuned for updates.

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