Mango Wood - What Is it and What Are its Benefits?

While the mango tree is famous for its delicious fruit, it’s also used to cultivate wood. Mango wood has several characteristics of being used for commercial purposes. It has a gorgeous color, spectacular texture, and a soft woodsy aroma.
In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of the mango tree and its uses. So, keep reading till the end to know all about this wood and how it adds more character and appeal to your stainless steel wood watch.
What Is Mango Wood?
The natural color of the mango wood is golden brown. However, it has several variations due to spalting. The natural design of this wood features black and pink stripes, which are an excellent touch on its golden brown color.
The mango wood is beautifully discolored due to fungus. But this type of wood is not used in making stainless steel wood watches. Primarily because fungus-infected wood can adversely affect the wearer’s skin.
This wood is slightly darker than oak, with prominent grains similar to Mahogany wood. Mango wood also takes wood stains very well, enhancing its look and making it more appealing.
Uses of Mango Wood
Mango wood is relatively easier to work with. It can be molded into different shapes and doesn’t require much trimming. It’s primarily used in making furniture. But its scrap is used in making stainless steel wood watches.
Another popular use of mango wood is flooring and plywood. This wood is also used in kitchenware such as plates, spoons, spatulas, and chopping boards.
The mango wood has a mesmerizing woodsy aroma making it perfect for stainless steel wood watches. Most stainless steel wood watch manufacturers don’t apply any harmful chemicals to this beautiful piece of wood.
Combined with stainless steel, this wood becomes more durable and scratch absorbent.

Benefits of Mango Wood
In recent years, furniture manufacturers have taken a liking to this wood. Primarily because of its durability and texture. Here are several benefits of mango wood you weren’t aware of.
1. Durability
Mango wood is very durable, making it a perfect material for making stainless steel wood watches. It’s similar to expensive Ash and Oakwood in terms of strength. It doesn’t wear out quickly and ages gracefully over time. Since stainless steel wood watches are meant to last decades, this wood serves the purpose behind making these watches.
2. Sustainability
Mango wood has high sustainability because of its plantation cycle. An average mango tree stops bearing fruits after 15 years. When the tree goes barren, furniture manufacturers use it to make beautiful home decor items.
On the other hand, farmers start planting new trees after 7 years. Therefore, by the time one mango tree is chopped, several others have been planted. This ensures the plantation cycle remains several steps ahead of wood consumption.
3. Affordability
Mango wood comes from a fruit tree, meaning farmers are actively planting these trees. Therefore, mango wood is in abundance. As a result, its prices are relatively lower than other wood. Plus, mango wood requires minimum processing; therefore, its prices remain low.
4. Aesthetically Appealing
The goal of furniture and stainless steel wood watch design is to use aesthetically pleasing material. Mango wood tops the charts with its golden brown color and pink streak.
It also has a distinct aroma that makes it the best choice in making stainless steel wood watches. Due to the variation in its color, you are guaranteed to find a hard-to-replicate stainless steel wood watch.
How to Care for a Stainless Steel Mango Wood Watch
The life of your stainless steel wood watch falls on how you take care of it. While you don’t need to take your stainless steel wood watch for polish, keeping it away from harmful substances is crucial. Here is how to properly take care of your stainless steel mango wood watch.
1. Keep Liquid at Bay
Mango wood is susceptible to water. So avoid wearing your watch when you go swimming. Other than that, this wood can withstand occasional splashes and rainwater. Plus, your sweat won’t harm your stainless steel wood watch, so you are safe to wear it all day.
2. Clean With Care
Your mango stainless steel watch will quickly get scratched if you don’t clean it with care. Although scratches aren’t prominent on a stainless steel wood watch, they may be visible in the long run. Clean your watch with a soft cloth, and don’t use the following liquid.
- Polish
- Alcohol
- Detergent
- Soap
You can gently rub your mango wood watch with a cloth dipped in water. But don’t add too much water. Otherwise, the wood will soak all the water and swell.
3. Don't Put Your Watch Next to Keys
A keychain or house keys can damage the texture of your stainless steel wood watch. Most people often keep their keys and their watch in the same bag pocket. It’s best to separate them if you don’t want your keys to leave their mark on your watch.
Wrapping It Up
Mango wood is the finest quality and most affordable wood on the market. It’s durable, sustainable, and beautiful. Stainless steel wood watchmakers like Stuniii use scrap mango wood. That’s why their watches are eco-friendly. If you are interested in buying a stainless steel wood watch, you should check out Stuniii.